RGPV Chemistry Objectives | CY110 CY111 Chemistry MCQ www.rgpv.ac.in - Educational Portal
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RGPV Chemistry Objectives | CY110 CY111 Chemistry MCQ

1.      A substance used to reduce friction between two moving or sliding surfaces is known as      
Ans:->            lubricant

2.      Grease is a          
solid lubricant            gaseous lubricant       
liquid lubricant         
semi solid lubricant  
Ans:->: semi solid lubricant

3.      The relation between the viscosity of a lubricating oil and temperature is     
directly proportional
inversely proportional          
no relation    

Ans:->inversely proportional

4.      The relation between the viscosity of a lubricating oil and pressure is            
directly proportional
inversely proportional          
no relation    

Ans:->directly proportional

5.      The viscosity index of lubricating oils should be


6.      The viscosity index of lubricating oils can be improved by adding       
benzene in the  oil    
paraffinic components in the oil      
nephthenic components in the oil    
none of the above    

Ans:->paraffinic components in the oil

7.      The viscosity of lubricating oils is determined by using
Abel’s apparatus                                                                               
Cleaveland apparatus          
Redwood viscometer
Conradson’s apparatus         

Ans:->Redwood viscometer

8.      Conradson’s apparatus is used to determine    
Carbon residue         
Flash point    
steam emulsion number      

Ans:->Carbon residue

9.      Cleaveland apparatus is used to determine the flash point of lubricanting oils having it   

less than 1750F         
greater than 1750F  
none of the above    

Ans:->greater than 1750F

10.  In Cleaveland's Open cup apparatus the mode of heating is    
Indirect through water bath 
Indirect through air bath      
Direct mode of heating        
none of the above    

Ans:->Direct mode of heating

11.  Air bath is used for heating the lubricanting oils in      
Penskey Marten's apparatus            
Cleaveland apparatus          
Redwood viscometer
Abel’s apparatus                                                                               

Ans:->Penskey Marten's apparatus

12.  The dimensions of orifice in Redwood viscometer no 1 are     
length -10 mm diameter -3.8 mm   
length -10 mm diameter -1.62 mm 
length -50 mm diameter -1.62 mm 
length -50 mm diameter -3.8 mm   

Ans:->length -10 mm diameter -1.62 mm

13.  The dimensions of orifice in Redwood viscometer no 2 are     
length -10 mm diameter -3.8 mm   
length -10 mm diameter -1.62 mm 
length -50 mm diameter -1.62 mm 
length -50 mm diameter -3.8 mm   

Ans:->length -50 mm diameter -3.8 mm

14.  Water bath is used for heating the lubricanting oils in
Penskey Marten's apparatus            
Cleaveland apparatus          
Redwood viscometer
Abel’s closed cup apparatus                                                                         

Ans:->Abel’s closed cup apparatus                                                                     

15.  Percentage of aromatic compounds in a lubrcating oil is determined by using          
Flash point    
aniline point 
steam emulsion number      
pour point     

Ans:->aniline point

16.  aniline point of a lubricant should be    


17.  Steam emulsion number of a lubricant should be         


18.  Cloud and Pour point of a lubricant should be  
none of the above    


19.  High value of Cloud and Pour point of a lubricant indicates     
Higher paraffinic components in the oil        
Lower paraffinic components in the oil       
Higher nephthenic components in the oil    
none of the above    

Ans:->Higher paraffinic components in the oil

20.  To determine the Cloud and Pour point of a lubricant  
round bottomed test tube    
flat bottomed test tube        
round bottomed flask           
none of the above    

Ans:->flat bottomed test tube

21.  If the titre value is P = 0: which ions  presence will cause alkalinity?   
a)      Only HCO3- Present    
b)      Only OH- Present        
c)       OH- and CO32- Present          
d)       HCO3- and CO32- Present     

Ans:->a)      Only HCO3- Present

22.      If the titre value P = M: which ions presence will cause alkalinity? 
a)    Only HCO3- Present             
b)   Only OH- Present                  
c) OH- and CO32- Present           
d)  HCO3- and CO32- Present                 

Ans:->b)   Only OH- Present

 23. If the titre value P < .1/2 M: which ions presence will cause alkalinity?           
a) Only HCO3-Present                 
b)   Only OH- Present           
c)OH- and CO32-Present             
d) HCO3- and CO32- Present                  

Ans:->d)  HCO3- and CO32- Present

24. If the titre value P >1/2 M: which ions  presence will cause alkalinity?           
a)    Only HCO3- Present              
b)   Only OH- Present                  
c) OH- and CO32- Present           
d)HCO3- and CO32- Present       

Ans:->c) OH- and CO32- Present

25.   If the titre value P =1/2 M: which ions  presence  will cause alkalinity?        
a)    Only HCO3- Present             
b)   Only CO32-  Present             
c) OH- and CO32- Present           
d) HCO3- and CO32- Present                  

Ans:->b)   Only CO32-  Present

26.      Why the possibility of OH— and HCO3— together is ruled out?     
a)      Because they form CO32—and H2O  
b)      Because they form H2O          
c)      Because they form CO2          
d)      Because they form CO2 and H2O       

Ans:->a)    Because they form CO32—and H2O

27.      What is the relationship between ppm and mg/l?   
a)      1ppm = 1 mg/l
b)      1ppm = 1 00000mg/l  
c)      1ppm = 1000 mg/l       
d)      1ppm = 100 mg/l        

Ans:->a)      1ppm = 1 mg/l

28. In the determination of hardness of water by EDTA method, the end point is 
a) Pink to colourless  
b) Blue to wine red   
C)  Yellow to orange 
d)  Wine red to blue 
d)  Wine red to blue

29. 50 ml of a water sample requires 12.7 ml of 0.02m EDTA during titration. Total hardness of the water is ------------ppm CaCO3 equiv.         
A                 500        
B                 524        
C                 225        
D                 508        

Ans:->D                 508

30. 25 ml of a boiled water sample requires 8.5 ml of 0.2 m disodium EDTA. Permanent hardness of the   water in ppm CaCO3 equiv. is -------             
A                 68          
B                 680        
C                 6800 R   
D                 6.8         

Ans:->C                 6800

31.  1M 1 litre EDTA disodium corresponds to ---------------gm CaCO3       
A                 1
B                 10          
C                 1000      
D                 100        

Ans:->D                 100

32.  In the determination of hardness of water by EDTA method, complex M-EDTA formed is stable at pH       
A                 4
B                 7
C                 10          
D                 13          

Ans:->C                 10

33.   EDTA has _____ reactive sites for co-ordination        
A                 4
B                 6            
C                 3
D                 5

Ans:->B                 6

34.  Titration of hard water against EDTA belongs to the ...... type of titration     
A                 Redox    
B                 Precipitation      
C                 Neutralization   
D                 Complexometric           

Ans:->D                 Complexometric

35.   The role of adding buffer solution of pH 9 to 10 in the titration mixture during titration of hard water against EDTA is,        
A                 to note the end point colour     
B                 to neutralize the acidic hard water sample     
C                 helps the reaction during titration       
D         to maintain the required pH which may change due to formation of acid during titration reaction         
Ans:->D         to maintain the required pH which may change due to formation of acid during titration reaction  

36.  Hard water + buffer (pH10) + indicator(EBT) develops ________colour, before titration against EDTA.
A                 Orange  
B                 Pink        
C                 Blue       
D                 Wine red           

Ans:->B                 Pink  

37.  Colour of Metal-EDTA complex is ____
A                 Black      
B                 Colourless          
C                 Blue       
D                 Wine red           

Ans:->B                 Colourless 

38.  Hardness of water is accurately determine by titration against          
A                 standard AgNO3 solution          
B                 standard EDTA solution 
C                 standard KMnO4 solution         
D                 None      

Ans:->B                 standard EDTA solution

39. Cone penetrometer is used to determine the ------- of the grease       
drop point     
pour point     
fire point       


40. Tota alkalinity of water is determined by using

phenolphthelein indicator    
Methyl orange indicator      
both indicators         
none of the above    

Ans:->both indicators

41.  Argentomeric titration is example of    
complexometric titrtion       
precipitation titration           
acid base titration    
none of these

Ans:->precipitation titration

42.  End point colour of argenomeric titration is     
blue to red    
green to yellow        
black to green          
bright yellow to brick red     

Ans:->bright yellow to brick red

43.  In Argentomeric titration which  indicator  is used       
potassium chromate
silver nitrate 
methyl orange          

Ans:->potassium chromate

44.  In Argentomeric titration precipitate is fomed due to  
reaction of AgNO3  with Cl ions       
reaction of AgNO3  with Ag ions      
reaction of AgNO3  with Cr  ions     
reaction of AgNO3  with Na ions     

Ans:->reaction of AgNO3 with Cl ions

45.  Permicible unit of choride ion in water sample
300 ppm       


46.  The mode of heating in Cleaveland apparatus is                                                                      


47.  Carbon residue is also determined by   
Abel’s apparatus                                                                               
Cleaveland apparatus          
Ramsbottom apparatus        

Ans:->Ramsbottom apparatus

48.  Value of carbon residue in a lubicant should be           
none of these


49.  consistancy is the property of    


50.  Drop point is the property of     


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