How to prepare effectively for exams and exams before - Educational Portal
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How to prepare effectively for exams and Before exams 

There is still plenty of time. If you also belong to the variety student who beat just before the exam dates his hands over his head, feel overwhelmed, given the extent of the learning content and every time panic felt ascend into itself, you now have to change the chance. Put an end to the excuses and just start. Start yes, but how? Here are a few tips for long-term exam preparation:

View the documents and specify the subject matter a. Take your time and get an overview of the learning material. What was discussed? Collect all relevant content, ie notes, scripts, exercises and presentation slides of the lectures. Narrow now a the substance. What's exam relevant?

Share the learning material, and create a curriculum. Consider the mountain of learning materials, this kills you at the first moment. Your first thought is probably, "I can not possibly learn everything." Many then give up in frustration. The trick, though, is to divide the mountain into small digestible portions. Have you divided the learning material, create from it a learning plan. Set this when you do what. At the thought of a learning plan is not just a few of the stomach turns. The reason for this is the fear of having no more time for other things. However, the opposite is the case. Who makes himself a learning plan, so also creates space for things that make a fun. In addition, the result is a good feeling to have everything under control.

Summarize content. To write their own summaries, causes you to become actively engaged in the learning material. It requires that you capture the essence of the content, structure information and bring it into connection. These summaries should not be made ​​in text form. For example, you can supplement these through mind maps, Sketch Notes or flowcharts. To be able to memorize content better, it is helpful to combine numerous sensory impressions together. Talk for example summaries. The audio files can then be used to repeat.
Build a success controls. Reading is learning not equal. Only if you write it down, what you have read will hang. By a note of what you have learned, for example, on index cards, you create the additional option to test the learning success. To literally see where there are still gaps and what you have mastered everything already. And second, it makes you more secure later in the test.
Pick memory aids. Keep the content that you want to learn abstract, you will have difficulty to remember this. Advised then during the conclave in stress, you experience a blackout. Instead of trying out the bare facts to remember, put this in a personal context. For example, where is the connection to everyday life? What is behind the information? Often it helps to build mnemonics. Especially for vocabulary, technical terms or formula that you need to memorize, mnemonics can be very useful.
Repeat what they have learned again and again. How does our brain remembers anything? If we get a stored information, it is transmitted as an irritant by a nervous end to the other. With each new incoming information, the links between our nerves are recombined. Information from old links are no longer available, they are virtually overwritten. You can imagine this process as road works: It is a road that is broken and little traffic, replaced by a new one. Only the new road leads to a completely different place. Only when the information for you on a regular basis is of interest, you will need this again, hold down the connection of the nerve alive and strengthen it. Here you have a variety of options available, how to repeat what they have learned either by using flashcards, by the query using a small quiz, by repeatedly solving exercises by talking to fellow students, by repeatedly listening to the learning content on the way home, or before going to sleep ...
Do you work at your work phases. Is optimally prepared, who also takes into account his or her individual performance rhythm. We humans distinguish ourselves in three so-called chronotypes: owls, larks and the normal type. Owls are pronounced night people whose performance often comes up only at 9 clock, but extends until late at night. Larks are against early risers. Your mind already bubbling when the Owls still sipping coffee. The Normalo lies exactly in between. In our latitudes outweigh the owls. In other words, between 10 and 12 clock they reach their first and most important high, the second 15 to 18 clock, then run again to 21 clock in top form (see diagram). So for hours durchackern brings nothing. Indulge yourself in between rather some relaxing breaks.

Take breaks. Your brain is not endlessly receptive. That's why you should make at least 90 minutes after a quarter of an hour break, in turn expose by up to three units at least one hour. In the time please do something else entirely. Then your brain is fit again and receptive.
Structure your learning day. Create rituals. For example: In the morning you get alone in the library. You focus on new content and summaries. At lunchtime, take a break and go out with friends in the cafeteria to eat. Afternoon then repeat the learned content, either alone or in a group. Rituals such as these have an advantage: They are independent motivation. Are you this once passed into flesh and blood, your first course automatically leads you in the morning in the library.


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