Exam Preparation: To pass any exam - Educational Portal
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Exam Preparation: To pass any exam

Lectures, seminars, part-time job and leisure activities - the semester is packed. Time to periodically repeat the learning material and follow up all seminars is because hardly. With the excuse of "Oh, is still enough time" pushes you to the unpleasant Lernerei before him. Every semester the same game: Just a few weeks before the exams come to realize that hardly will have time. In a learning Marathon memory is druckbetankt and crammed with information. Contrary to all the learning tips to learn the most students at the last minute. This can work, however, is associated with a lot of stress. This lets you change anything now. Tips how to use the exam preparation can bring less stress on the stage and sit back and relax while your students turn in the days before the exams at the wheel ...
Exam Preparation: Build the prerequisites

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If you sit only in the days before the exams at the desk in front of a mountain of learning materials and sees no light at the end of the tunnel, you regret not having started earlier. But what really keeps one of them started off on time? In addition to the many activities and obligations, it is mainly the lack of motivation. Learning and can not say anything else one is hard work. Work through presentation slides and scripts, formulas and technical terms to memorize, to solve Altklausuren - All this has little to do with fun. And because this is an open secret, it is difficult take steps to become especially the temptations that dissuade us from are numerous. What can help you:

Visualize your goals. Motivation refers to the drive to achieve a goal. Behind is always a motive, therefore an incentive that prompted you to move in the direction of a target. From the Move - Latin movere - the word comes from the way of motivation. Assist you in realizing that if you make yourself clear, which means passing the exam for you. What do you make it work? What would you like to achieve?
Create the right learning environment. Proven our working environment has an influence on the way we work. This was proven by the scientist Kathleen Vohs of the University of Minnesota. They conducted various test students through in ordinary and in messy office. They found out the following: Procedure promotes positive qualities such as generosity, altruism and a healthy lifestyle. In addition, they worry more for a traditional view. Disorder fosters creativity and help to leave the beaten track and leave the rules behind. You also promotes, to make himself free from conventions and develop new ideas. Vohs pointed to the fact that both order and disorder has its uses. It is also important that you are in the place you have chosen for learning, well-being.
Provide a sense of achievement.. It triggers a good feeling when you can understand what you have done Make yourself aware of your progress by checking off already learned. This gives rise to the feeling to come one to your target bit by bit. Is the end in sight once you're endure motivated.
Reward yourself. The exam period is full of deprivation. All your energy and time are now being incorporated into the learning. As a rule, friends and hobbies come up short at this time. But who sets weeks not set foot outside the door and nothing else does to get out, comes to the point where he has to force himself to go on. With little rewards you provide a renewed motivation. Treat yourself after a hard learning day something that really makes you enjoy, such as a night out with your friends, an episode of your favorite series or an hour of exercise. You will notice that you can soak up the new force.
Pushing up against each other. Also, an internal contest with your fellow students can provide new impetus. Of course, it should be no rivalry from the competition, but it can look tremendously inspiring to see how far the classmate has progressed.


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