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RGPV Chemistry Important Question | BT101 Chemistry Question RGPV

RGPV BT101 Important Question | RGPV Chemistry Important question | RGPV Engg Chemistry Question

Unit I
·        Why water is passed first through cation exchange resin and then through anion exchange resin?                                                                 
·        The hardness of 10,000 liters of a water sample was completely removed by a Zeolite softener. The exhausted softened required 500 liters of NaCl solution, containing 110 g/liter of NaCl for regeneration. Calculate hardness of water in different units.                                                                                                                                                      
·        . Describe Ion-exchange (deionization) process of water softening with diagram.   
·        Phosphate conditioning.   
·        .Difference between hot and cold lime soda process.                  
·        .Describe zeolite process of water softening also write advantages and disadvantages of the process.
·        . Why does hard water consume a lot of soap?                                                                      

·        . Write a short note on break point chlorination.   
·        . Calculate the amount of lime and soda required to soften 24000 liters of water per day for a year containing the following:  CaCO3=1.85 mg/liter; CaSO4=0.34 mg/liter; MgCO3=0.42 mg/liter; MgCl2=0.76 mg/liter; MgSO4=0.90 mg/liter; NaCl=2.34  mg/liter; SiO2=2.32 mg/liter. The purity of lime is 88.3% and that of soda is 99.2 %

Unit II

·        .`Define fuel and calorific value.                                                                                                                                                                      
·        . Why GCV is higher than LCV.
·        How will you determine calorific value of a solid fuel by Bomb Calorimeter?   
·        .Define knowking tendency of fuel.                           

·        .Write down the difference between thermal and catalytic craking.                                                     
·        .What is coke? Discuss beehive’s oven method for manufacture of coke.  
·        .`Define Ultimate analysis of coal with significance.                                                                                                                                     
·        Differentiate between NCV and GCV.

·        How will you determine calorific value of a solid fuel by Bomb Calorimeter?                                                    

Unit III

·        . List various functions of lubricants.                                                                                                                                     
·        .  Discuss the Thin film mechanism of lubrication with diagram.                                                                                                            
·        will you determine the flash point of lubricating oil by Abel’s closed cup apparatus?         
·        .Define cloud and pour point.                                                                                                               
·        .Functions of lubricant                                                                                                                             
·        Define lubrication .explain the mechanism of hydrodynamic and boundary lubrication.
·        . An oil sample under test has a saybolt universal viscosity of 64 seconds at 2100 F and 564 seconds at 1000 F. The low viscosity       standard (Gulf oil) possesses a saybolt viscosity of 64 seconds at 2100 F and 774 seconds at 1000 F. The high viscosity standard            (Pennsylvanian oil) gave a saybolt viscosity of 64 seconds at 2100 F and 414 seconds at 1000 F. Calculate the viscosity-index of the      oil sample under test.                                                                                     
·        . Write a short note on greases.                                                                                                                                                          
·        . How will you determine S.E.N of a lubricants .Explain it with the help of diagram.

Unit IV
·        Define Functionality of a monomer with example                                                                                                        
·        Distinguish between thermoplastic and thermosetting resins.                                                                    
·        What is Gutta Percha.       How vulcanization brings about changes in properties of rubber?        
·        Write the preparation and uses of polythene.                                                                                                                                                                      
·        .Short note on condensation polymerization.                                                                                                                                                            
·        Explain classification of polymers.      
·        What is meant by functionality of a monomer.                                                                                                                                       
·        Describe free radical mechanism of Polymerization.                                                                                                                
·        What are high polymers? Give classification of polymers.
Unit V
·        Draw the structure of M-EDTA chelate.                                                                                                             
·        Name and state the basic laws of photochemistry. How the laws may be uses to determine the concentration in solution?                                                                                                                                                                             
·        A water sample is alkaline to both Phenolphthalein as well as Methyl Orange. 100ml of water sample on titration with N/50 HCl required 5.4ml of acid to P end point. When few drops of M indicator are added to the same solution & titration further continued, the yellow color of the solution just turned pink after addition of another 11.1 ml of acid solution. Elucidate on the type and extent of alkalinity present in water. 
3.Define chromophore.                                                                                                  

·        .Applications of UV spectroscopy.                                                                                                                              
·        .lamberts beer law also write molecular vibrations in IR spectroscopy.
·        write significance of COD determination.                                                                                                                                         . A water sample is alkaline to both phenolphthalein as well methyl orange, 100 ml of water sample on titration with N/50  Cl required 4.5 ml of the acid to phenolphthalein end point. When a few drops of methyl orange are added to the same solution and titration further continued, the yellow colour of the solution just turned pink after the addition of another 10.7 ml of the acid solution. Elucidate on the type and extent of alkalinity present in water sample.                                                              

·        Explain principle and uses of gas chomatogaphy with diagram 

RGPV New paper Format


Q1.      Write the postulates and limitations of VSEPR theory?

Q2.      Differentiate between bonding and anti-bonding orbitals?

Q3.      Draw the molecular orbital energy level diagram for diatomic molecules (H2, He2, Li2, Be2, B2, N2, O2, F2, Ne2, NO, CO, HF and HCl).

Q4.      Write short note on bond order.

Q5.      Based on VSEPR theory explains the geometry of PCl5, SF4, BrF3 and XeF2.

Q1.      Define the following    a) Oxidation     b) Reduction    c) Solubility     d) EMF

Q2.      Explain                                    a) Kohlrausch’s law                 b) Transport number

Q3.      What is Ostwald’s Dilution Law.

Q4.      Differentiate between electrochemical and electrolytic cells.

Q5.      What are the limitations for Arrhenius theory of electrolytic dissociation?

Q1.      Define the following    a) Phase                       b) Components

Q2.      State and explain the phase rule for water system.

Q3.      Explain the phase diagram for Copper-Silver system.

Q4.      What is corrosion? Name the factors that influence corrosion.

Q5.      Give the preventive measures for corrosion.

 Q1.      Define                         a) Reaction rate                        b) Order of reaction

Q2.      Explain first order and second order reaction

Q3.      What are the methods to determine order of reaction?

Q4.      Write short note on half life period.

Q1.      Give the classification of polymers with example.

Q2.      Differentiate between thermoplastic and thermosetting resins.

Q3.      Write a note on co-polymerisation and biopolymers.

Q4.      Differentiate between natural and synthetic rubber.

Q5.      Write preparation, properties and uses of

                        a) PVC             b) Teflon         c) Phenol formaldehyde

Q1.      Name and state the basic laws of photochemistry

                        a) Grothus Draper law             b) Stark-Einstein Law

                        c) Lamberts Law                      d) Beer Lamberts law

Q2.      Explain singlet and triplet state.

Q3.      Draw and explain Jablonski Diagram.

Q4.      What do you mean by Quantum Yield ? Write the reasons for high and low quantum yield.

Q5.      Write a note on photosynthesis.

Q1.      Define             a) System         b) Surrounding                         c) Heat             d) Work

Q2.      What are the different thermodynamic processes.

Q3.      Write a note on zeroth law and first law of thermodynamics?

Q4.      Give the relation between Cp and Cv.

Q5.      Explain                        a) Enthalpy                              b) Entropy.

Q1.      Lubricating oil has a SUV (Saybolt Universal Viscosity) of 58 seconds at 2100 F and of 600 seconds at 1000 F. The high viscosity index standard (i.e. Pennsylvanian) oil has SUV of 58 seconds at 2100 F and 400 seconds at 1000 F. The low viscosity standard (i.e. Gulf) oil has a SUV of 58 seconds at 2100 F and 800 seconds at 1000 F. Calculate the viscosity index of the oil.

Q2.      Define lubricants. Explain the four properties of a lubricant with their significance.  

Q3.      10 ml of CaCO3 of strength 1 g/l requires 8 ml EDTA for titration. 10 ml of water sample requires 6 ml of the same EDTA solution for titration. Calculate the total hardness of the water sample.

Q4.      100 ml water sample on titration with N/50 H2SO4 gave a titer value of 8.5 ml to phenolphthalein end point and 17 ml to methyl orange end point. Calculate alkalinity of water sample.

Q5.      The total hardness of 1000 liters was completely removed by zeolite softner. The zeolite softener required 50 liters of Sodium chloride solution, containing 15 g/l of NaCl for regeneration. Calculate the hardness of water.

Q6.      Explain with equations and calculate the quantity of lime and soda required to soften 20,000 liters of water containing  Mg(HCO3)2 = 219 ppm; NaCl = 234 ppm; Mg2+ = 36 ppm; HCO3- = 18.3 ppm; H+ = 1.5 ppm; SO42- = 144 ppm and Cl- = 71 ppm.

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