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MP SET Geography Syllabus MP SLET PSC Geography Syllabus Assistant Professor | MP PSC Syllabus Geography Asst Professor भूगोल

Under the MPPSC Geography assistant professor exam has following topics covered in the MPPSC exam. For more clarification please also refer official website of MPPSC.
There will be two question papers, Paper-II and Paper – III [Parts – A (Core Group) & B
(Elective/ Optional)]
The Paper – II will cover 50 Objective Type Questions & all compulsory. Each question
will carry two marks. Total marks of Paper – II will be 100.
The Paper – III [Parts – A (Core Group) & B (Elective/ Optional)] will have 75 Multiple
Type Questions (Multiple Choice, Matching Type, True/False, Assertion-Reasoning Type)
and all compulsory. Each question will carry two marks. Total marks of Paper – III will be

1. Geomorphology : Fundamental concepts; Endogenetic and Exogenetic forces; Denudation and weathering; Geosynclines, continental drift and plate tectonics; Concept of geomorphic cycle; Landforms associated with fluvial, glacial, arid, coastal and karst cycles.
2. Climatology : Compbsition and structure of the atmosphere; Heat budget of the earth; Distribution of temperature; Atmospheric pressure and general circulation of winds; Monsoon and jet stream; Tropical and temperate cyclones; Classification of world climates; Koppen*s and Thoramwaite’s schemes.
--> 3. Oceanography : Ocean deposits; Coral reefs; Temperature and salinity of the oceans; Density of sea water; Tides and ocean currents.Bio – Geography : World distribution of plants and animals; Forms and functions of ecosystem; Conservation and management of ecosystems; Problems of pollution.
4. Geographic Thought : General character of Geographic knowledge during the ancient and medieval period; Foundations of Modern Geography; Determinism and possibilism; Areal differentiation and spatial organisation.
5. Population Geography : Patterns of world distribution;. Growth and density of population; Patterns and processes of migration; Demographic transition.
Settlement Geography : Site, situation, types, size, spacing and internal morphology of rural and urban settlements; City – region; Primate city; Rank – size rule; Settlement hierarchy; Christaller’s Central Place theory; August Losch’s theory of market Centres.
6. Economic Geography : Sectors of Economy : primary, secondary,. tertiary and quaternary; Natural resources: renewable and non-renewable.
Measurement of agricultural productivity and efficiency; Crop combination and diversification; Von Thimen’s Model.
Classification of industries : Weber’s and Losch’s approaches; Resource based and footloose industries.

Models of transportation and transport cost : Accessibility and connectivity.
7. Political Geography : Heartland and Rimland theories; Boundaries and frontiers; Nature of administrative areas and Geography of public policy and finance.
Social Geography : Ethnicity; tribe; dialect; language, caste and religion; Concept of social well-being.
Cultural Geography : Culture – areas and cultural regions; Human races; Habitat; Economy and Society of tribal groups.
8. Regional Planning : Regional concept in Geography; Concept of planning regions; Types of regions; Methods of regional delineation; Regional planning in India; Indicators of development; Regional imbalances; Evolution, nature and scope of town planning with special reference to India, and Fundamentals of Town and Country planning.
9. Geography of India : Physiographic divisions; Climate : Its regional variations; Vegetation types and vegetation regions; Major soil types; Irrigation and agriculture; Population distribution and growth ; Settlement patterns ; Mineral and power resources; major industries and industrial regions.
10. Cartography :  Types of maps : Techniques for the study of spatial patterns of distribution; Choropleth; Isopleth and Chorochromatic maps and pie diagrams; Mapping of location – specific data; Accessibility and flow maps.
Remote sensing and Computer application in mapping; Digital mapping; Geographic Information System ( GIS ) .
Statistical Methods : Data sources and types of data; Frequency distribution and cumulative frequency ; Measures of central, tendency; Selection of class intervals for mapping; Measures of dispersion and concentration; Standard deviation; Lorenz Curve; Methods of measuring association among different attributes; Simple and Multiple correlation; Regression.
Nearest – neighbour analysis; Scaling techniques; Rank score; Weighted score; Sampling techniques for Geographical analysis.
UGC NET Geography Paper III ( Part A & B ) [ Core and Elective / Optional ]
Unit – I
Geomorphology : Fundamental concepts ; Factors controlling’landform development; Endogenetic and Exdgenetic forces; Denudation process: weamering. and erosion, Geosynclines, mountain building, continental drift and plate tectonics; Concept of Geomorphic Cycle; Landforms associated with fluvial, glacial, arid, coastal and karst cycles, Slope forms and processes; Environmental and Applied Geomorphology.
Unit – II
Climatology : Composition and structure of the atmosphere; Insolation ; Heat budget of the earth; Distribution of temperature, atmospheric pressure and general circulation of winds; Monsoons and jet streams ; Stability and instability of the atmosphere; Air-masses; Fronts, temperate and tropical cyclones ; Types and distribution of precipitation; Classification of world climates ; Koppen’s and Thornthwaite’si schemes; Hydrological Cycle; Global warming.
Unit – III
Oceanography : Origin of ocean basins; Bottom relief of Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans; Ocean deposits; Coral reefs; Temperature and salinity of the Oceans; Density of sea water; Tides and ocean currents; Sea-level changes.
Bio-Geography : Physical factors influencing world distribution of plants and animals; Fbrms and functions of ecosystem: Forest, grassland, marine and mountain ecosystem; Bio-diversity and its depletion through natural and man induced causes? Conservation and management of ecosystems; Environmental hazards and problem® of pollution; Ozone depletion.
Unit – IV
History of Geographic Thought : General character of Geographic knowledge during the ancient and medieval period; Foundations of Modern Geography : Contribution of German, French, British and American schools; Conceptual and methodological developments during the 20th century; Changing paradigms; Man and Environment, determinism and possibilism, area! dinerentiation and spatial organisation; Quantitative revolution; Impact of positivism, humanism, radicalism and behaviouralism in Geography.
Unit – V
Population Geography : Nature, scope, subject matter and recent trends; Patterns ofworld distribution, growth and density of population; Policy issues; Patens and processes of migration; Demographic transition; Population-resource regions.
Settlement Geography : Site, situation, types, size, spacing and internal morphology of rural and urban settlements; Ecologicalprocesses of urban growth; Urban fringe; City – region; Settlement systems; Primate city; Rank-Size rule; Settlement hierarchy; Christaller’s Central Place theory; August Losch’s theory of market centres.
Unit – VI
Economic Geography : Location of economic activities and spatial organization of economies; Glassification of economies; Sectors of Economy: primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary; Natural resources : Renewable and non – renewable; Conservation of resources.
Agricultural Geography : Concept and techniques of delimitation of agricultural regions; Measurement of agricultural productivity and efficiency; Crop combinations and diversification; Von Thunen’s Model; Agricultural systems of the world.
Industrial Geography : Classification of industries : Weber’s and Losch’s approaches; Resource based and footloose industries.
Geography of Transport and Trade : Models of transportation and transport cost; Accessibility and connectivity: Inter-regional and Intra-regibnal: Comparative cost advantages.
Unit – VII
Political Geography : Definition and scope of Political Geography ; Geopolitics; Global strategic views (Heartland and Rimland theories );-Concept of nation, state and Nation-State; Boundaries and frontiers; Politics of world resources; Geography and Federalism.
Social Geography : Nature and scope of social geography ; Social structure and social processes; Elements of Social Geography—ethnicity, tribe, dialect, language, caste and religion; Concept of Social well – being.
Cultural Geography : Nature and scope of Cultural Geography; Environment and culture; Concept of culture-areas and cultural regions; Theories of tribal groups;  I )welling places as cultural expressions.
Unit – VIII
Regional Planning : Regional concept in Geography; its application to planning; Concept of planning region; Regional hierarchy; Types of regions and methods of regional delineation; Conceptual and theoretical framework of regional planning; Regional planning in India: Concept of development; Indicators of development; Regional imbalances.
Unit – IX
Geography of  India : Physiographic divisions; Climate : Its regional variations ; Vegetation types and vegetation regions; Major soil types ; Coastal and Marine resources; Water resources; Irrigation; Agriculture; Agroclimatic regions; Mineral and power resources; Major industries and industrial regions ; Population distribution and growth; Settlement patterns; Regional disparities in social and economic development.
Unit – X
Cartography : Map as a tool in Geographical studies ; Types of maps: Techniques for the study of spatial patterns of distribution; Single purpose and composite maps; Choropleth, Isopleth and Chorochromatic maps and pie diagrams; Mapping of location specific data; Accessibility and flow maps.
Remote sensing and computer application in mapping; Digital mapping; Geogf aphic Information System ( GIS ) : Thematic maps.
Statistical Methods : Data sources and types of data;Statistical diagrams; study of frequency distribution and cumulative frequency; Measures of central tendency; Selection of class intervals for mapping; Measures of dispersion and concentration; Standard deviation; Lorenz curve; Methods of measuring association among different attributes; Simple and multiple correlation; Regression.
Measurement of spatialpatterns of distribution; Nearest-neighbour analysis; Scaling techniques, rank score, weighted score; Sampling techniques for geographical analysis.
All the topics of UGC NET and CSIR NET regarding topics which is also prefer by MPPSC exam board. If any discripancy we are not responsible; So we are request you please also refer MPPSc official website and get all authentic informations.

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