MP PV & FT Botany Syllabus | MP Pre Veterinary and Fisheries Test Botany Syllabus - Educational Portal
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MP PV & FT Botany Syllabus 2018 | MP Pre Veterinary and Fisheries Test Botany Syllabus 2018

MP PV & FT Botany Syllabus

In the MP Pre Veterinary and Fisheries Test there are 4 compulsory subjects i.e. Physics, chemistry, botany and zoology. Here we give the detail of MP Pre Veterinary and Fisheries Test Botany syllabus. In the MP PV & FT Botany Syllabus there will be some topics from 10+2 levels.

MP PV & FT Botany Syllabus

Structural organization of cell, cell theory. Light and Electron Microscopic view of cell.
Structure and functions of cell organelles : Nucleus Mitochondria, Chloropast Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex lysosome, microbodies microfilaments Ribosomes, Centrioles and Plasmids, Ekaryotic Chromosome (Morphology) cell and plasma membrane, Difference between plant and animal cell. Division, cell cycle significance of mitosis and meiosis. Mendel's Laws of inheritance, Monohybrid and dihybrid cross; linage and crossing over of genetic material DNA replication, genetic code transcription, transcription and gene regulation.
Difference between Prokaryote and Eukaryotes : Structure reproduction and economic importance of viruses Mycoplasma, Bacteriophage, Cynobacteria (Nostoc) and Bacteria. Five Kingdom classification, Binomial Nomenclature, External morophology and life cycle of Spirogyra muccr, Funaria Selaginella and pinus. Elementary knowledge of microsporogenesis megasporogenesis. Fertilization endosperm and embroyo development in Angiosperms. Tissues and tissues systems, meristematic and permanent tissue, Mineral nutrition essential elements and their functions: uptake of minerals transport of water and solutes.


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Transpiration Photosynthesis and Respiration: Importance, mechanism and factors affecting thisprocessess: Photorespiration. Enzymes and growth hormones with reference to their classification. Chemical nature, mode of action, importance. Elementary idea of photoperidism and phytochrome. Ecosystem - Structures and function, Major ecosystems i.e. lake and Forest; Food chain, Food web and energy flow, Ecological crisis- Role of man in polluting Environment - Air, Water and Soil.
Role of plants in human welfare: A general knowledge of plant products of economic value-Drugs, Fibers, Cereals. Wheat and Rice, Pulse (gram), Oil seeds (Ground nut), Sugarcane, Coal and petroleum. Food preservation-methods and importance. Principle of plant breeding and its role in improvement of crops. Biotechnolgy; scope and importance in Agriculture and industrial manufacture of cheese. Yoghurt, Alcohol Antibiotics.

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Author Name: Ir Mansuri


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