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Green Revolution

·         The green revolution started in 1945 to increase the production of foods stemming from the improved strains of wheat,maize,rice and other cereals.In 1960s it is developed by Dr. Norman Borlaug in mexico. This increased the crop yield in India, Pakistan, Philippines, mexico, Srilanka and other underdeveloped countries for Green revolution.

·         After green revolution scheme, productivity of agriculture is increased. New chemical fertilizers and synthetic herbicides and pesticides were created.The chemical fertilizers made with extra nutrients thus, it increase yield.The new pesticides and synthetic herbicides control weeds or kill insects and prevent diseases.

·         Chemicals use in green revolution to increase the productivity, high yield crops are also developed and introduced.High yield crops are that crops which is specially designed to produce more yields,a method know as multiple cropping. Multiple cropping was also used in green revolution and lead to higher productivity.Multiple cropping is when field is use to two or more crops in the year. So that the field constantly something growing on it.

·         These new techniques and advanced agriculture technology were used by farmers all over the world.And combined the intensified the result of the green revolution.

·         The greatest challenge facing the nation in the coming years will be to provide safe food for the population in the country.
·         This farming system is avoids the use of synthetically manufactured fertilizers,pesticides,growth regulators and livestock.

AI through the green revolution has played leading role in making the country self-sufficient in food grains,it has created some adverse effect which are of serious concern.

1.It allows agriculture on large scale.

·         2.It has the potential to grow any crop anywhere.

·         3.It eliminates the need to fallow lands.

·         1.It can cause pests and weeds to develop hazards.

·         2.It employs mono-culturing.

·         3.It would have difficulties with varied soil type by location.

1. Reseach
2.New technique
3.Marketing facilities
4.Plant protection
6.Agriculture machinery
8.HYV(High yielding variety)

2.HYV seeds
3.Narrow spread
4.Increase in agricultural production
5.Increase in employment opportunities

In conclusion the green revolution  saved over billion people all over the world. And provide more food sources. Al through, it had some negative effects on the environment such as using high level of pesticides and chemicals.

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