Avoid Bad Habits in Study - Educational Portal
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5 bad habits of study

Have you ever wondered how you can fail a test after having studied a lot ? Simple: it all depends on how much you study and not by ! Also, get poor results after many hours of study can also undermine morale. If this occurs , it is possible that your study habits are wrong ! But , with the advice I will give you today , you can get back on track. The learning process is still a little mysterious, but studies show that the most effective processes for study will have through conduct highly active for a certain period of time. In other words , in order to study effectively , you need to read, draw , compare , store, and test their skills over time .

PS: The following study habits will be less useful if attuerete alone!


1 . Take notes linear

The linear notes are lecture notes that students create when they try to write every word of a lecture or seminar. In practice , occur when a student tries to write every word the teacher says in sequence. One might ask : how can it be a bad catch every word of a lesson? Of course , it is not wrong to write each word in a lesson ! But it will be necessary to review the notes taken and create relationships from one section to another . The advice I can give is to design , for example, the arrow from a word or concept to another, and write notes and examples in the margin.
SOLUTION: In order to strengthen the information to be learned , you must also re-create all notes taken in another form and turn them into a chart or a conceptual scheme . Shortly before each new lesson , it will be necessary to review the notes of the past days and "predict " the material the next day. It should reflect and create relationships between the key concepts before the new lesson.

2 . " Highlight " the textbook

You are guilty of abuse of highlighter ? ! Be aware: the highlight is often the root cause of many academic failure ! The bright colors on a page create a great visual impact and so you feel like you are studying hard and well . Highlight highlights important information on a page, but this does not do much good if you do something " active" with this information. And read the highlighted words is not something pretty active .
SOLUTION : Use the highlighted information to create a Practical examination. Put the words highlighted , for example, on flashcards or post it until you learn each term and important concept . Identify key concepts and then use them to create open questions . You should also develop some sort of strategy of color color. Highlight new words in a color and new concepts in another , for example. You could also highlight distinct arguments in a particular color for a greater impact.

3 . Rewrite your notes

Students should rewrite the notes under the assumption that the rewrite is good for storage. This is useful as a first step, but is not as effective when used alone . In fact, you will need to rewrite the notes following a specific methodology . For example, the method is very useful Cornell .

SOLUTION: Try to prepare the lecture notes comparing them with those of a classmate and create mock exam based on his notes. Then compare that with what you had done according to your . Repeat this a couple of times until you will be familiar with the material.

4 . Read a chapter

Students are often encouraged to read one chapter a night before an exam to reinforce what they have learned. Do not get me wrong , re-read is a good tactic ....... but as a last step ! Just like the other study habits above , the re-reading is only a part of a larger puzzle .
SOLUTION: Make sure that you always use active measures such as graphs , diagrams and practical tests before re-read a chapter.


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